Wednesday, February 17, 2010

In case any of you were wondering, Sophie knows about this blog. I am not an asshole. Well, maybe a little bit, but not because of this blog. Sophie reads all my posts and cracks up laughing. That is how I know its, as the kids say, "All well". No, no, no wait. Its "All Good". Thats it, I believe. Recently I have realized by way of Sophie that the entire debate community knows about my blog. While i don't know how this happened, I think it might be a good thing. YOu see, as weird as we all know Sophie is, the debate community actually considers her normal and even *shudders* cool. Now, in her own way, (and her way is a very twisted and mutilated way) Sophie is *shudders* cool. Now, I by no means consider myself normal. But, if you've read my previous entries, you must understand. Nobody can be normal with a sister like this. Now, I am fixing to go wake Sophie up. I find this sequence hilarious. So, I thought I would share it with you.
ALright, normally, I go downstaris and say something along the lines of, "SOphie, its almost ten o'clock, I thought you might want to wake up." Then she answers something along the lines of "Mhmmmhnnnggghhhnnnmmmmmm" No, that was not a typo, Sophie's reply is usually a collection of M's, h's, n's, and g's. This will happen roughly three times, each wake up attempt around 30 minutes apart. The last attempt (remember, this would be around 11:30), I go in and say, "Sophie, you know I've woken you up 3 times now." She'll say, "I KNOW!! NOAH!! GO AWAYY!!!" I'll persist, "You know it's 11:30" "I KNOW NOAH!!! GO AWAY!!!!" So, I leave. Around, 12:37 she will arise and say, "NOah, why didnt you wake me up? NOW I'VE WASTED HALF MY DAY!!" I'll say "SOphie, I woke you up 4 times!!" And she'll reply "Bullshit"

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