Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Deep Voiced Sophie Translator and the Evolution of Phone Conversation

ahh.... Been a while hasnt it? Again, I wasnt busy or anything, I didnt even forget, I just didnt feel like it. But this morning on the bus I recieved some inspiration. There are these radio commercials for the Sylvan Learning Center (an extra-help program for kids struggling in school). You will hear a kid slam the door and say in a loud, clear, yet obnoxiously cheesy voice, "I'm stupid okay? I'm just stupid!" Then, in a deep voice that challenges the octaval powers of Barry White, you will hear, "I am frustrated and I don't know what to do...". Then, a girls voice will scream, "I give up!!". Then, oddly, yet again that burly voice that could seduce even the stubbornest of mules says, "I don't want to have to face failure again." Obviously, you get the point. They are implying that what the child says is not what they REALLY mean. Because, of course, when a kid says, "I give up", we need a burly man voice to explain what they really mean. So, I decided that I want that burly man voice in real life. Except I want him to translate Sophie. Because, according to her, I often misinterpret her words. For instance, one minute she will be scream her tiny, tiny little head at me. Then, the next minute she is asking for me to cook her macaroni and telling me she loves me. I suppose if that reliably manly voice had be there, when Sophie said, "I negate, Noah is a big doodoo head." he would have said, "I love you. Will you cook me some macaroni later?" While on the subject of me cooking Sophie macaroni, let me explain to you the evolution of Sophie's plea for macaroni. She will be on her way home from the barn and she will call and say Mommy would you cook me macaroni?" (Obviously she was to tired from sitting down on a horse while it jumps over things to cook it herself) Then, later my mother decided that she didnt really feel like cooking Sophie macaroni. But, of course she wants her princess to have everything her little heart desires, so she tells me to cook it. Sophie would come home and say "Mom, is my macaroni ready?". I would answer, "yes" and she would race of to the kitchen and hug me. Just kidding. She would rush over to the kitchen and grab a bowl and dish out her macaroni. Later, Sophie just decided to call my mom and say "Will Noah cook me macaroni?" Of course my mom says yes, less to anger te princess.

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