Sunday, November 28, 2010


Hey there folks....
I haven't posted anything in a really long time so i figured, "What the heck! Let's give it a whirl." Anyways, the reason I have been so absent is due to the fact that I haven't had much material. You'd think that living with Sophie would supply me with plenty of zany antics to comment on. Well, the problem is that Sophie is not very creative with the ways in which she makes my life hell. In fact, she tends to anger me in the same ways over and over again, simply in a new setting. However, I have recently returned from wonderful Universal Studios in Florida and I felt i needed to share my brief period of satisfaction with the general populous. So, at a time when I am feeling less exhausted and a little more capable to formulate a proper sentence, I will post a few entries having to do with my glorious vacation. Cya then.

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