Sunday, January 3, 2010

Some Disscussions: (For your enjoyment)

My sister just yelled at me for posting "a generic happy new year to everyone statement as my status"... I responded "Sry I wasted space on your news feed" She replied "You should be"

just got glasses. Heres a recent discussion between him and his sister. For your enjoyment: Noah: WOW! I can see!
Sophie: Cool...
Noah: Hey Sophie! First time in the house with glasses.
Sophie: Yes Noah.
Noah:Hey Sophie! First time in my room with glasses!
Sophie: Yes Noah...
Noah: Hey SOphie! First time climbing the st...ares with glasses.
Sophie: Hey Noah! First time I threw a fork at you with glasses!
Noah: Ow... My pride. Oh wait, thats my kidney.... Ouch

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