Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Some Disscussions: (For your enjoyment)

My sister just yelled at me for posting "a generic happy new year to everyone statement as my status"... I responded "Sry I wasted space on your news feed" She replied "You should be"

just got glasses. Heres a recent discussion between him and his sister. For your enjoyment: Noah: WOW! I can see!
Sophie: Cool...
Noah: Hey Sophie! First time in the house with glasses.
Sophie: Yes Noah.
Noah:Hey Sophie! First time in my room with glasses!
Sophie: Yes Noah...
Noah: Hey SOphie! First time climbing the st...ares with glasses.
Sophie: Hey Noah! First time I threw a fork at you with glasses!
Noah: Ow... My pride. Oh wait, thats my kidney.... Ouch

(Insert Witty Greeting Here)

Welcome to "Surviving Sophie", a blog created for all you trying to just get through life. Most of the content on this blog with be based around dialogues and events that take place between me and my sister Sophie. Over the next couple of months I will be compilating the top 10 rules for living with and older sister. And when I say "living"-- thats all I promise. My advice will not allow you to control or even live mutualistically with your sibling. I am not a voodoo witch doctor.