Saturday, June 4, 2011

Nobody takes me seriously. Some may say that this is my punishment for doing nothing but be sarcastic or joke around for 80% of my dialogue with others, but this is no joke. I have lost my right to be legitimately angry with people in my house. Allow me to provide you with one of my classic examples. In the popular TV show entitled "Supernatural," there is a reoccurring joke in which one of the lead characters will call the other a "bitch" and he will respond "jerk." Now, at first I thought it was cute when my sisters would say "bitch" to one another and the other would respond "jerk." "Oh those crazy kids," I would think, unaware of the danger that this witty retort would cause. I have lost my primary method for really layin' one on my sisters. Lets say Sophie has gotten herself up into a tizzy (as is, of course, a rare occurrence) and I wanna REALLY wanna give her a left hook to the jaw (verbally of course). I will cock my head back, suck in my chest and call her a "bitch" with just a little too much disdain in my voice. She will chuckle, say "jerk" and give me a hi-five. WHAT?!?!?!? People now chuckle when I call them obscenities. Like, really not cool at all. Oh, and while I am ranting about things that just don't seem to make any sense, let me talk to you about something that really "grinds my gears." Spicy food. WTF is up with spicy food. I'm sorry India, and much of Latin America, but my food shouldn't hurt me. When my food hurts me, we have a problem. What kind of sick masochistic person seeks out pain in what is supposed to be providing them with nourishment? Sense makes this not does.